4.4 Difference-in-differences

When a treatment is applied to some units but not others, and the question of interest is whether the treatment at some specific point in time has caused a specific outcome in the following time period, it is critical to distinguish whatever change is observed in the treatment group from whatever the “counterfactual” change would have been. It is possible that whatever change you believe to be a result of the treatment is just what would have happened anyway; or, what would have happened was far in the other direction of what you observed, which implies that the impact of the treatment was even greater than it seems from the data. In any case, the actual counterfactual is unknowable, but we can assume that matched units that had a similar trend to the treated unit(s) prior to treatment are appropriate as stand-in “counterfactuals” (the exact conditions for this assumption are in large part dependent on your judgment, but can be based on the matching techniques from the last section). The “difference-in-difference”, therefore, is a measure of the difference in outcome for the treated unit(s), not only relative to the treated unit(s) pre-treatment, but also relative to the control group. We’ll be able to use the simple linear regression technique to represent the impact of the treatment via this quasi-experimental framework.

Let’s consider the impact of the new BART station, Warm Springs/South Fremont, which opened in March 2017, on the surrounding neighborhoods. In particular, we might expect that the neighborhoods just south of the BART station would have particularly increased access to the BART network overall, which might lead to more residents using BART to commute to work. If we can gather longitudinal information about commute mode before and after the “treatment” of a newly opened BART station, at a granularity that allows us to meaningfully isolate the populations likely to be affected by the treatment, then a differences-in-differences analysis would be expected to show an increase in train ridership relative to similar populations in the Bay Area that did not experience a change in train access.

Unfortunately, we are approaching the limits of what Census data can provide us, because of the trade-off between recency and geographic granularity. Our best option in this case is to use 1-year PUMS estimates. So, our first evaluation should be whether there is a PUMA that we believe is sufficiently granular to identify a particular neighborhood where we expect the “treatment” to be experienced.



ca_pumas <-
  pumas("CA", bay_county_names, cb = T, progress_bar = F)

bay_pumas <-
  ca_pumas %>% 
  st_centroid() %>% 
  .[bay_counties, ] %>% 
  st_set_geometry(NULL) %>% 
  left_join(ca_pumas %>% select(GEOID10)) %>% 
leaflet() %>% 
  addProviderTiles(providers$CartoDB.Positron) %>% 
    data = bay_pumas,
    weight = 1,
    color = "gray"
  ) %>% 
    lng = -121.9415017,
    lat = 37.502171
  ) %>% 
    data = bay_pumas %>% 
      filter(PUMACE10 == "08504")

In the map above, I’ve placed a marker at the location of the Warm Springs/South Fremont BART station; this is the southernmost stop towards San Jose as of construction, and riders would take the train towards San Francisco. The PUMA boundaries, as they happen to be drawn, are not ideal for our analysis, since the neighborhoods immediately adjacent to the station are part of PUMAs that extend northward and cover regions that have existing BART stations, thereby diluting the effect of this new “treatment” on populations that previously did not have convenient access. The most promising PUMA appears, instead, to be the blue PUMA further south. This area might include residents who now find a car trip to the BART station and a transfer to BART a viable option. This also would be the PUMA that gets an even stronger treatment as of 2020, when two additional BART lines have opened within its boundaries.

Now, let’s load PUMS data of interest from the relevant years, which we’ll choose to be 2015 through 2017 so we can match this PUMA to other PUMAs based on similar trends in the two years prior to treatment, and so we can observe the potential impact of the treatment in 2017. As for our covariates, let’s look at JWTR which is “Means of transportation to work”, where the value 04 corresponds to the ACS answer of “Subway or elevated”, over the last two years. The code below loads three years of PUMS data and cleans up the data before binding together. Note that the 2015 data has a formatting consistency within JWTR and PUMA that needs to be manually corrected.

pums_vars_2017 <- 
  pums_variables %>%
  filter(year == 2017, survey == "acs1")

pums_transit <- 
  2015:2017 %>% 
      variables = c(
      state = "CA",
      year = year,
      survey = "acs1",
      recode = F
    ) %>% 
        bart = ifelse(
          JWTR %in% c("4","04"),
        PUMA = PUMA %>% str_pad(5,"left","0")
      ) %>% 
      group_by(PUMA) %>% 
        pop = sum(PWGTP),
        bart = sum(bart),
        year = year

Before moving on, let’s look at the distribution of population and BART commuters in the Bay Area PUMAs, which might give further insights to how best to construct the difference-in-differences analysis.

pums_pal <- colorNumeric(
  palette = "YlOrRd",
  domain = pums_transit$pop

leaflet() %>% 
  addProviderTiles(providers$CartoDB.Positron) %>% 
    data = pums_transit %>% 
      right_join(bay_pumas %>% select(PUMA = PUMACE10)) %>% 
    fillColor = ~pums_pal(pop),
    color = "white",
    weight = 1,
    label = ~paste0(PUMA,": Population ", pop)
pums_pal <- colorNumeric(
  palette = "GnBu",
  domain = pums_transit$bart

leaflet() %>% 
  addProviderTiles(providers$CartoDB.Positron) %>% 
    data = pums_transit %>% 
      right_join(bay_pumas %>% select(PUMA = PUMACE10)) %>% 
    fillColor = ~pums_pal(bart),
    color = "white",
    weight = 1,
    label = ~paste0(PUMA,": ", bart, " BART commute riders")

The percentages of BART commute ridership appear to be near zero in the South Bay, so it may be better to observe the possible effect on absolute BART commuters instead of percent BART commuters.

Now, let’s further manipulate this data so that, for each PUMA, the different years of available data are in wide format.

pums_transit_clean <-
  pums_transit %>% 
  select(-pop) %>% 
    names_from = year,
    values_from = bart
  ) %>% 
  filter(PUMA %in% bay_pumas$PUMACE10)

Now, we can apply the Mahalanobis matching technique from the previous section to PUMAs in the Bay Area, using the 2015 and 2016 bart values:

obs_matrix <-
  pums_transit_clean %>% 
  select(`2015`,`2016`) %>% 

dist_matrix <- mahalanobis.dist(obs_matrix)

rownames(dist_matrix) <- pums_transit_clean$PUMA
colnames(dist_matrix) <- pums_transit_clean$PUMA

match <- dist_matrix["08504",] %>% 
  as.data.frame() %>% 
  rownames_to_column() %>% 
    PUMA = rowname,
    match = "."
  ) %>% 
  ) %>% 
  arrange(match) %>% 
  .[1:11, ] %>% 
  left_join(bay_pumas %>% select(PUMA = PUMACE10)) %>% 

leaflet() %>% 
  addTiles() %>% 
  addProviderTiles(providers$CartoDB.Positron) %>% 
    data = match[1, ],
    color = "red",
    label = ~PUMA
  ) %>% 
    data = match[-1, ],
    label = ~PUMA

At first glance, these PUMAs seem to be appropriate matches at least in the sense that none of them are adjacent to existing BART stations at the time of observation. Now, let’s visually inspect what the longitudinal results look like, comparing our treatment PUMA to the average of the ten matched PUMAs:

match_pumas <-
  match[-1,] %>% 
  st_set_geometry(NULL) %>% 
  select(-match) %>% 
    names_to = "year",
    values_to = "bart"
  ) %>%
  ) %>% 
    bart = mean(bart),
    PUMA = "Similar PUMAs"

treatment_puma <-
  match[1,] %>% 
  select(-match) %>% 
  st_set_geometry(NULL) %>% 
    names_to = "year",
    values_to = "bart"

) %>% 
    year = year %>% paste0(.,"-01-01") %>%  as.Date()
  ) %>% 
      x = year,
      y = bart,
      color = PUMA
  ) +
  geom_line() +
  geom_vline(xintercept = 2017, linetype = "dashed") +
    title = "Milpitas vs. control neighborhoods, BART ridership",
    x = "Year",
    y = "BART commute riders"

Based on just the graph, it may seem clear that the selected PUMA has an increase in BART ridership relative to the control PUMAs, but given the scale of that difference and the averaging of the behavior of the control PUMAs, we should withhold judgment until we see the results of the formal difference-in-differences analysis, using lm().

Let’s first create a tidy version of the data for our treatment and control PUMAs, then create coded variables time and treated which identify year 2017 and the records pertaining to our Milpitas PUMA. Then, to simulate a difference-in-differences regression, simply include treated*time on the right side of the ~ in lm(), which is an interaction between the treatment unit and the time of treatment.

transit_did <-
  match %>% 
  st_set_geometry(NULL) %>% 
  select(-match) %>% 
    names_to = "year",
    values_to = "bart"
  ) %>% 
    year = year %>% as.numeric(),
    time = ifelse(year == 2017, 1, 0),
    treated = ifelse(PUMA == "08504", 1, 0)

did_reg <- lm(bart ~ treated*time, data = transit_did)

## Call:
## lm(formula = bart ~ treated * time, data = transit_did)
## Residuals:
##     Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
## -160.65 -160.65  -68.65   81.50  541.35 
## Coefficients:
##              Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)   
## (Intercept)    160.65      47.12   3.409  0.00193 **
## treated        -25.15     156.30  -0.161  0.87328   
## time            -6.95      81.62  -0.085  0.93273   
## treated:time   427.45     270.71   1.579  0.12519   
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 210.8 on 29 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared:  0.1079, Adjusted R-squared:  0.01559 
## F-statistic: 1.169 on 3 and 29 DF,  p-value: 0.3386

Notice in the summary output a new coefficient row, treated:time. This happens to be the “difference-in-differences” result of interest, in the sense that we’d describe the treatment, the Warm Springs/South Fremont BART station in 2017, as having had an estimated impact of about 400 new BART commuters. However, despite the positive effect size of the treatment and the previous plot, the result doesn’t appear to be statistically significant (i.e. p-value is not less than 5%), so one should not jump to any conclusion with just this analysis.

Keep in mind all the various arbitrary choices and assumptions that went into this analysis, such as:

  • We chose a particular outcome to evaluate, bart, which may not be the most pronounced or important possible causal effect of a BART station to evaluate. Perhaps the key ridership is arriving at the Warm Springs station, not leaving from it (which would not be observable using the same kind of PUMS analysis). Perhaps the greater impact of a station is on commercial and residential development. Perhaps ridership has increased, but just not as the travel mode for work trips. That being said, commute ridership would seem to be a very straightforward measure of the impact of a BART station in a community.
  • We are assuming that respondents picked “Subway or elevated car” in the ACS questionnaire to represent a BART commute trip.
  • The BART station opened in Spring 2017, and PUMS responses could have been sampled from earlier in the year. Perhaps the effect is more pronounced with additional years, but additional years can cause control PUMAs to no longer be appropriate given their own exposure to similar kinds of treatments (like the Antioch BART station).
  • We did not have the cleanest geographies to choose from, so the particular PUMA we chose to consider as “treated” may have been too big to see the relevant effect, which may have been mainly on neighborhoods within biking/walking distance of the station. On the other hand, we may not have picked enough PUMAs, if most riders are driving in from further away.
  • We chose 10 matching PUMAs using Mahalanobis distance, but this could have been fewer or more PUMAs.
  • We did not match based on any other variables other than 2015 and 2016 train ridership. For example, we could have “controlled for” other variables like employment, income, demographics, in the same way we would have done a multiple regression.

Difference-in-differences analysis, like all quasi-experimental designs, fundamentally depend on a lot of user judgment to construct, which opens up the danger of one simply adjusting the model assumptions until one finds a significant result. In this case, no matter which way you cut it, the possible analyses here of the effect of the Warm Springs station on nearby BART ridership don’t seem to support rejecting the null hypothesis. Besides demonstrating how to construct a difference-in-differences analysis, hopefully this analysis demonstrates that one should be perfectly satisfied with the possibility that the causal effects you’re looking simply aren’t there.