5.5 Assignment 5

A new nonprofit organization led by Stanford students (some of whom participated in Future Bay Initiative projects) called unBox manages, as one of its projects, a resource navigation tool called Bay Area Community, which involves an extensive volunteer-based curation of location information for a variety of supportive services, such as school meals, WIC- or SNAP-eligible retailers, COVID-19 testing sites, and ballot drop-off locations. Using techniques from this chapter, analyze the accessibility of various target populations to specific types of locations in BAC. The data can be downloaded from this Airtable (Navigate to ... > Download CSV and read_csv() from your local machine); practice using the data manipulation techniques from this curriculum to filter the data to the locations of interest and prepare them for isochrone mapping. You are only required to pick one type of service of interest. You are welcome to pick a County of focus or analyze the entire Bay Area. Use 10 minute walking isochrones as your default accessibility scale, but you are welcome to make different choices for duration or mode depending on your question. Use 2017 LODES information about residents (RAC) or workers (WAC) at the block group or block level; if you would like to use other ACS characteristics in your analysis, you can add them as supplemental analyses. Clearly state all assumptions and include an interpretation of your results. Results can include counts of the % of a target population in a County that has what you define “good access” to the services, and/or an equity analysis comparing the full population to the “service-accessible” population along some group identity of interest. Include credits for BayAreaCommunity.org and unboxproject.org in your report.