1.10 Assignment 1

Create bar or line charts showing monthly total kBTUs of residential and commercial electricity and gas consumption for the Bay Area (meaning the sum of all ZIP codes in the 9 Bay Area counties) from 2017 to the latest available month (meaning a 42-column version of the plots from section 1.8). Look online for the correct conversion of kWhs to kBTUs and therms to kBTUs. Make sure that electricity and gas data are distinguishable but plotted in the same chart; feel free to separate your analyses for residential and commercial into two separate charts if you believe it improves legibility, or do one chart with 4 colors in the legend. Comment on any observable changes in energy consumption that may be attributable to the COVID-19 pandemic. Create at least one map that highlights which neighborhoods experienced the greatest change in electricity consumption before and after the pandemic began, and comment on your results. Explain any key assumptions you made in the analysis, or caveats about the data sources that you think the reader should be aware of. Publish all of this work in a web report.