6.6 Assignment 6

Prepare a report analyzing land use and housing outcomes in one County (of your choice) in the Bay Area. You are welcome to include as many data-driven insights as you’d like, with the many kinds of housing and parcel datasets available from the Census Bureau and elsewhere, but at the minimum, you must include:

  1. Using techniques from Section 6.1, an analysis of housing burden for a specific sub-population of your choice (e.g. renters vs. owners, race or ethnicity, households with children). Using a burden threshold of 30% (or another of your choice), estimate the total annual funding that would be required to eliminate this kind of housing burden for your population. Include a map visualizing where this housing-burden sub-population lives in your County.

  2. For some location in San Francisco (i.e. one census block group’s worth of parcels, or, using techniques from Chapter 5, parcels within 5 minutes walking from a transit station), an analysis of the distribution of property uses, compared to what can be built under existing zoning, or what could be built under zoning reform through recent legislation like SB50. At the minimum, calculate “unused dwelling units” as was done in Section 6.2 for your study area.